Comments taken from Art Wanted
18-Aug-04 05:51 PM
fantastic piece Jorge. great elements and great composition my
17-Aug-04 05:09 PM
Armando Salas
Magnífica imagen. El águila es hembra ¿verdad?
07-Aug-04 08:46 PM
Sea Artist - Leigh Karchner
This is beautiful Jorge! I love the frame treatment and the eagle.
Very soothing and peaceful image.
04-Aug-04 07:37 PM
Markos Berndt
You have a stunning collection of digital works, I've messed with
terregen a little, its a amazing program, and to think there making things better and more realistic. Very striking and eye
candy work.
04-Aug-04 07:11 PM
sher richardson
great jorge... i love how the eagle swoops off the image... :
04-Aug-04 05:17 PM
Nat F
Oh,very nice!
04-Aug-04 02:37 PM
thea walstra
Perfect Jorge.
04-Aug-04 12:08 PM
andree lerat
04-Aug-04 07:10 AM
Pat Abbott
Very beautiful work.
04-Aug-04 03:46 AM
eileen martin
ooh, Jorge, i really like this one, love how his wings come out
of the frame
04-Aug-04 01:07 AM
Carrie Barden
Strong. Bold. The unknown. Eternal. Interesting